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Comics & Illustration

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Matt Sheean and Malachi Ward are the co-creators of Ancestor and Expansion. Previously they served as artists for Brandon Graham’s Prophet series for Image Comics, and have provided artwork for Star Trek: Starfleet Academy for IDW and Burn The Orphanage for Image. Matt has contributed to Adventure Time for Boom, Peow Studio’s Time Capsule anthology and published the acclaimed short comic Fugue. In 2016 Malachi released his first collection of short comics, From Now On, including work for Fantagraphics, NoBrow, The Best American Comics series, Top Shelf, and Study Group Magazine.


Matt and Malachi’s method of collaboration is unique in the world of comics, blurring the line between traditional roles such as writer, penciller, inker, colorist and letterer. The two creators work on these elements together from the conception of the idea all the way through to sending files to print.


In rare lucid moments you see that you are enslaved. You tell yourself that The Service is a helpful interface providing your mind with continual aid and stimulation, but you know it's a lie.

Let Patrick Whiteside help you.

From the pages of Image Comics Island comes the debut science fiction epic by Matt Sheean and Malachi Ward.


Ten thousand years ago, agents of an advanced civilization clash with a pacifist cult over control of prehistoric human society. 


This sci-fi epic from the creators of the critically acclaimed Ancestor also contains additional comics from Brandon Graham, Simon Roy, Jed McGowan, and Farel Dalrymple.


Written and Illustrated by Matt Sheean

A short fantastical story in which an ancient god appears and wreaks havoc on the occupants of walled city.

"Matt Sheean’s Fugue ... is open, imponderous, and sylphlike belying his declarations which need to be pieced out as they are pieced together.- Daniel Elkin, Your Chicken Enemy




Portland, Oregon



Copyright Matthew Sheean 2021

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